Why Me
That's always the big question really. Why buy this? Why go there? Why do that?
Every day we are faced with small decisions, micro-commitments as I like to call them. Humans invariably avoid the decision-making process for ONE reason, FEAR.
We are afraid of the consequences of our actions. "WHAT IF" paralyzes us with fear of taking action on even the smallest of decisions.
So how do you make yourself pull the trigger to work with me?
Well, I could tell you about my academic accolades, like graduating top of my class in engineering school (and in the top 10% of the country), or participating in a pilot program at Harvard Business School to learn from legendary strategists and visionaries like Dr. Clayton M. Christensen and Dr. Michael Porter (you know, the guys who won Noble Prizes, created the Five Force Analysis or defined The Disruption of Innovation).
I could talk about industry skills, like being personally mentored by the world's most influential copywriter, Kevin Rogers (maybe you've heard of a few of his other mentees, like Amy Porterfield and Abbey Woodcock), and one of the world's foremost entrepreneurial mentors, James Schramko (private coach to many of the biggest names in the industry like Ryan Levesque, Keith Krance, Tom Breeze, Ezra Firestone.)
Or I could talk about business savvy, like my experience running the largest independent outdoors publication in the state of Florida, acting as a consulting strategist for for multiple powerhouse brands billing 7 figures A MONTH, or continually contributing copy to campaigns that year after year made millions in revenue for our advertisers.
But let's be honest, NONE of that would really matter!
Because we make our decisions emotionally and justify them logically.
In other words, all that stuff I just said will be entirely irrelevant until AFTER you make the decision to work with me!
So let's talk about what REALLY matters... RESULTS!
Yours, mine and ours.
As for yours, well they aren't what you believe you are capable of, or you wouldn't be here, reading the blog of one of the world's top performance coaching and strategy consultants, someone who specifically helps people like you make massive, dramatic change and get results they never thought possible in their life.
Right? ...You are here for a reason!
As for mine, well my results speak for themselves. And because I am so confident that I can make a difference in your business with my methods I have the best guarantee in the world.
If at any time, for any reason, you decide we aren't getting the results you expected, if you aren't 110% blown away with your results, if we don't exceed your every, single expectation... We cancel your contract, no questions asked. In the past I had set-up fees, huge retainers, cancelation fees and contracts drawn up by high-priced attorneys to protect my time from greedy corporate pirates.
But scrappy, bootstrapped entrepreneurs are a different breed entirely. We are all family, looking out for each other, and we generally have each other's best interest in mind. So here's my guarantee, I won't waste your money, if you don't waste my time. Simple as that.
And as for our results working together, well, if you've read down this far you've already made the decision that I can exponentially accelerate your business and your personal and professional growth. You've decided emotionally that you NEED this to fulfill your true potential, and then reasoned it out logically that the opportunity to work one-on-one with a Harvard-educated consultant who LITERALLY wrote the book on entrepreneurial mindset is just to good to miss out on.
So at this point, you are just basically looking for the "ORDER NOW" button...
But there isn't one! ...(Come on, you didn't think it would be that easy did you?)
At this point in my career, my time is far more valuable than money, so I have an extensive vetting process to carefully decide who makes the cut to work one-on-one with me.
If you are TOTALLY dedicated to your success, and you KNOW in your heart I can help you reach your goals, then schedule a strategy session to speak with myself or one of my staff and let's see if you could be my next big success story!